Bëhu pjesë e korit të fëmijëve #SiparantumKids

Siparantum Kids hap konkurs për pranimin e fëmijëve që duan të kenë këndimin dhe dëshirojnë të jenë pjesë e korit të fëmijëve #SiparantumKids. 🎶

  • Mosha 7-15 vjeç.
  • Afati i aplikimit është data 30 Gusht 2023.
  • Audicioni për korin Siparantum Kids zhvillohet në ditën e enjte (31 Gusht) në orën 17:00 në Qendrën Rinore “Peja” (Kati i II-të).
  • Numri është i kufizuar! 📣
  • Mund të aplikoni online në faqen e korit Siparantum Kids apo mund të na shkruani në info@siparantumchoir.com.

Provët mbahen dy herë në javë (të martën dhe të enjten) nga ora 17:30 deri në 18:30.

Faleminderit që keni zgjedhur të bashkoheni me familjen tonë. 💙 Siparantum Choir

Apliko online duke klikuar këtu: Apliko tani 🔗

Introducing ‘Echoes of Future’ – Our Children’s Choir’s Debut Album

We are pleased to announce that today we launch the first album of the children’s choir, “Echoes of Future,” by Siparantum Kids. This project is the fruit of a long work, dedication, and love of our children. The album contains 16 beautiful songs, works by well-known composers such as Mia Makaroff, Musa Piperku, Pranvera Badivuku, and Selami Kolonja, and original songs composed especially for this project by Memli Kelmendi.

We thank the Swiss Embassy and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation for their endless support. Without their help, this project would not have been possible. In addition, we are grateful to the children of the Siparantum Kids choir for their dedication and passion for this project. We thank and express our gratitude to the designer and illustrator Rron Bajri for the extraordinary work and love he has put into creating the images of the album.

This project is an important step for the Siparantum Choir. This album will help motivate and educate new generations in choral music, a cultural asset that must be preserved and spread.

We invite you to listen to the songs from the album “Echoes of Future.” Online at the following link:

“The ‘Echoes for Future’ album is supported by: