🌱 Siparantum Kids’ “Song To The Earth” – A Melody of Change for Our Planet

🌍 We are thrilled to present “Song To The Earth,” a soul-stirring melody composed by the famous composer Mia Makaroff and conducted by Memli Kelmendi, performed by the Siparantum Kids. In this powerful video, we bring you a heartfelt message of unity and responsibility in the face of environmental challenges. 🎶

“Siparantum Kids” is a group of young emissaries of change, founded in 2018, who inspire us all to take action for a world free from the burdens we have imposed upon it. We immensely thank the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation for their support in creating this impactful video clip.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mia Makaroff for allowing “Song To The Earth” to participate in this project. Her support means the world to us.

To be a part of this movement of positive change, we invite you to like, share, and subscribe to our channel. Together, let’s make a difference and create a brighter future for all.

With immense gratitude for your unwavering support.

Open Call: Media Accreditation for Quo Vadis Choral Music Conference 2023

We are pleased to announce the open call for media accreditation to cover the Quo Vadis Choral Music Conference 2023. This prestigious event is set to bring together music industry professionals, artists, and enthusiasts worldwide for a unique and inspiring experience.

Event Details:

  • Event Name: Quo Vadis Choral Music Conference 2023
  • Date: September 14-17
  • Venue: Pejë, Republic of Kosovo
  • Website: www.siparantumchoir.com | https://choralspace.org/quo-vadis-choral-music-2023
  • Email: quovadis@siparantumchoir.com

About Quo Vadis Choral Music Conference: Quo Vadis Choral Music Conference is an annual gathering celebrating the music industry’s dynamic landscape. It serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering collaborations, and exploring the latest trends and innovations in the music world. The conference features keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, networking opportunities, and showcases from emerging and established artists.

Media Accreditation: We welcome media representatives to cover this exciting event. Accredited media personnel will have access to various conference activities, providing an opportunity to interview industry experts, musicians, and other participants. We encourage media professionals from various domains, such as music journalism, photography, videography, and broadcasting, to apply for accreditation.

Application Process: To apply for media accreditation, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of the Quo Vadis Music Conference 2023: siparantumchoir.com or choralspace.org/portfolio/quo-vadis-choral-music-2023-en
  2. Locate the “Media Accreditation” section or page on the website.
  3. Specify the type of coverage you intend to provide during the event, including any special areas of interest or focus.
  4. Submit the information by September 1, 2023.

Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee accreditation. Our team will carefully review each application, and successful applicants will receive confirmation via email.

Media Guidelines: While covering the Quo Vadis Music Conference 2023, accredited media professionals are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Respect the privacy and preferences of interviewees and participants.
  2. Obtain permission before capturing and publishing audio, video, or photographic content.
  3. Use official event hashtags and handles in your social media coverage.
  4. For any media-related inquiries during the event, please get in touch with us at quovadis@siparantumchoir.com

How to apply for accommodation:

To ensure that all media representatives have easy access to the festival and are well-accommodated, please follow the instructions below:

Email quovadis@siparantumchoir.com with the subject line “Accommodation Request – [Your Media Company Name].”

In the email, please provide the following necessary information:

Name of the media company.
Names and surnames of the journalists, cameramen, or photographers attending the event.
Please make sure to send your accommodation request well in advance, as availability may be limited. Our media relations team will do their best to accommodate your needs and provide you with the necessary details for your stay at the Quo Vadis Music Conference 2023.

For any additional inquiries or assistance regarding accommodation, feel free to contact our media relations team at quovadis@siparantumchoir.com

We look forward to hosting you and your team at the Quo Vadis Music Conference 2023 and ensuring a productive and enjoyable experience for all media professionals attending the event.

Best regards,

Siparantum Choir and ChoralSpace Music Conference

Call for Volunteers  / Quo Vadis Music Conference 2023


For more info, please visit www.siparantumchoir.com or contact us at quovadis@siparantumchoir.com

The Conference will be held starting from September 13 – 17, 2023 | Peja, Kosovo


Quo Vadis Choral Music 2023 is an exchange podium specifically curated for conductorscomposerschoir managers, and other professionals in the choral music scene. It is a pivotal platform to explore the current development and future direction of choral music and enable collaborations between professional and amateur entities of the choral sector.

The second edition of the CHORALSPACE Conference is hosted by the Siparantum Choir (Kosovo)

Konkurs / Siparantum Choir

SIPARANTUM CHOIR hap konkurs për:

4 Tenor

5 Bass

Aplikoni tani:

  • Dërgoni CV-në tuaj në adresën info@siparantumchoir.com
  • Bashkangjitu një video të një pjese të lirë korale që do të paraqesni.

Kushtet e aplikimit:

  • Përparësi do të jepen kandidatëve që kanë përvojë në solo këndim ose janë në proces të studimeve për këndim.

Afati i aplikimit është më 21 Gusht 2022. Kandidatët e pranuar do të njoftohen përmes email-it më 25 Gusht 2023

Siparantum Choir Represents Kosovo in the 12th World Choir Games – Gangneung 2023

We are thrilled to share some incredible news with you! The Siparantum Choir has achieved remarkable success, securing two prestigious gold medals at the World Choir Games in South Korea. Our performances in the “Mixed Choir” and “Musica Contemporanea” categories received exceptional recognition and well-deserved accolades.

This triumph highlights the tremendous potential and dedication of our choir members. We are elated by this accomplishment and take great pride in representing Kosovo in this esteemed international competition.

Siparantum Choir Brings Home Two Golden Diplomas from
World Choir Games 2023, Republic of Korea

The World Choir Games brought together talented choirs from around the globe, and we are honored to have received such high recognition. It is a testament to the hard work and passion of our choir members, and we are grateful for the continuous support of our community.

Photo © Ham Young In

Thank you for being a part of our journey and for believing in our music. None of this would have been possible without your support.

Siparantum Choir Represents Kosovo in the 12th World Choir Games – Gangneung 2023

We are thrilled to share that Siparantum Choir will proudly represent Kosovo in The 12th World Choir Games – Gangneung 2023. The Choir Competition of Peace Will Return to Korea: the City of Gangneung. This monumental event allows us to showcase our state’s immense talent on the largest competition stage in the world.

Gangneung, the host city of the 2023 World Choir Games, is renowned for its awe-inspiring location by the sea, complemented by breathtaking mountain scenery. Nestled amidst this natural splendor, the Olympic Park and Ice Arena, central venues of the 2018 Winter Olympics, create an ambiance infused with the Olympic spirit. 

This prestigious event unites participants from around the globe, with an estimated 324 groups and representatives from 46 countries. It serves as a testament to the immense power of music in fostering cultural exchange and promoting harmony among nations. As we embark on this remarkable journey, we take immense pride in representing Kosovo in two categories: Mixed Choir and Musica Contemporanea in The Champions Competition.

The Siparantum Choir has long been recognized for its exceptional musical prowess and unwavering dedication. In 2021, we achieved an extraordinary feat at the esteemed competition in Flanders, triumphing in the fiercely competitive “Musica Contemporanea” category. Our captivating performance left an indelible mark, and now, we aim to surpass our own achievements on the international stage once again.

The 12th World Choir Games – Gangneung 2023 promises to be a momentous event, uniting the most talented choirs and fervent music enthusiasts from all corners of the world.  Through our participation, we will amplify Kosovo’s rich choral heritage and promote cross-cultural understanding through the universal language of music.

We wholeheartedly invite you to join us in this incredible endeavor. Your unwavering support and encouragement are invaluable to our success. Together, let us forge ahead, united in our passion and determination, as we embark on this powerful journey that will leave an indelible mark on the global stage.

Stay tuned for updates on our awe-inspiring performances and our resolute progress in The 12th World Choir Games – Gangneung 2023.

World Choir Games Gangneung 2023 – Program Book [Click Here]
With immense gratitude for your unwavering support. Thank You!

Honoring Memli Kelmendi’s Achievement: Scholarship for the 6th International Conductor’s Seminar

“We are thrilled to announce that our conductor Memli Kelmendi has been awarded a scholarship for the 6th International Conductor’s Seminar in Wernigerode! This is an incredible opportunity for him to work with renowned conductors Dr. Beverly Shangkuan-Cheng from the Philippines and Primož Kerštanj from Slovenia. Memli will also have the honor of performing with Germany’s famous youth choir, The Studio Choir – Radio Youth Choir Wernigerode 🎶.

During the four-day workshop, Memli will have the chance to explore various international choral works alongside the Rundfunk-Jugendchor Wernigerode. Together, they will present these pieces at the prestigious Konzerthaus Liebfrauen.